Offices for Gynaecology

Welcome to the gynaecological offices of Dr.  Zollinger and Dr. Combaz. 
Our reception is open for you from monday to friday from 8 am to 12 am and from 1 pm to 5 pm.  


  • Personalized consultations by an FMH gynaecologist 
  • Consultations for all gynecological problems and around pregnancy 
  • Specialized urogynecological consultations 
  • Infertility consultations 
  • Consultations offered in French, German, or English 
  • Operations in private clinic
  • Reception of patients of all ages 
  • Cares according to the current recommendations and knowledge 
  • Uses of approved modern technologies 
  • Close collaboration with the Inselspital in Bern, the CHUV in Lausanne and the HUG in Geneva
Cabinets de Gynécologie  
Rue de Pré-Fleuri 19B
1950 Sion
T  + 41 27 480 44 60
F  + 41 27 566 71 66