Dr. Nina Combaz(-Söhnchen)

Specialist FMH for obstetrics and gynaecology 
Specialist FMH for operative gynaecology
Specialist FMH for  Urogynaecology


Professional experiences : 
March 2016 - march 2019 Médecin agréé aux hôpitaux du Valais en Gynécologie et Obstétrique, Site de Sion  
Since June 2014 associated doctor at the Clinique Valère and independent as doctor in my gynecological office at Sion Jan 2013 – Feb 2014 Médecin adjoint en gynécologie et obstétrique au Spitalzentrum Oberwallis (SZO), à Viège 
Dec 2009 – Nov 2012 Cheffe de clinique en gynécologie et obstétrique au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne 
Apr 2009 – Dec 2009 Médecin assistant en anesthésiologie à l´hôpital de Sion 
Jul 2008 – Apr 2009 Cheffe de clinique en gynécologie et obstétrique à l´hôpital de Sion
Oct 2007 – Jul 2008 Médecin assistant en gynécologie et obstétrique à l´hôpital de Sion 
Oct 2005 - Oct 2007 Médecin assistant en gynécologie et obstétrique aux Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG) 
Apr 2005 - Oct 2005 Médecin assistant aux Soins Intensifs de chirurgie des Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG) 
Oct 2003 - Apr 2005 Médecin assistant à l´hôpital de Martigny dans le service de gynécologie et d´obstétrique

Formations :
Dec 2020 Specialisation FMH in urogynecology Janv 2015 Certificate in Urodynamics, London 
Janv 2015 Certificate “Schwagerschafts-Sonographie”, Switzerland 
Feb 2011 International diploma for ultrasound in obstetrics an gynecology, Strasbourg, France 
March 2009 Specialist title as a gynaecologist and obstetricians (FMH) with specialisation on operations 
March et August 2008 Course for mountain medecine 
March 2008 European diploma for endoscopic operations in gyngynecological endoscopi operations, Clermont-Ferrand, France 
Jul 2004 Defense for the doctor grade, Göttingen, Allemagne 
May 2004 Formation on abdominal ultrasound, Northeim, Germany 
May 2000 Ultrasound seminary of the abominal organs and external genital organs, Göttingen, Germany 
Sep 1997 Summer academy: „Ethical aspects of reproductive medecine“, Olang, Italy 
1996 - 2003 Medical studies at the University of Göttingen, Germany 
1996 Final of the scholorship at the „Graf-Stauffenberg-Gymnasium“, at Osnabrück, Germany

Professional associations: 
Member of the Fédération des Médecins Suisses (FMH) 
Member of the Groupement Romand de la Société Suisse de Gynécologie et Obstétrique (GRSSGO) 
Member of the Société Médicale du Valais (SMVs) 
Member of the Groupement d’Intervention Médicale en Montagne (GRIMM) 
Member of the International Urogynecological Association (IUGA)

Dr. Nina Combaz(-Söhnchen)

Specialist FMH for obstetrics and gynaecology 
Specialist FMH for operative gynaecology
Specialist FMH for  Urogynaecology


Dr. Nina Combaz (-Söhnchen) proposes to you operations outside of the public hospitals of the Valais, at the "Clinique de Valère", at Sion. This is your oportunity for an opperation by your chosen doctor, at a private environment of high competence. Treatment at every moment and in comfortable suites for the patients possessing a private insurance.

operations for urinary incontinence 
- operations of pelvic organ prolaps (laparoscopic, abdominal or vaginal approches)
- cysto-urethroscopies, intravesical Botox injections 
- operations of benign breast leasions 
- operations for sterility investigations 
- operations of the ovaries and the adnexes (all approches, VNOTES inclued)
- operations of the uterus (all approaches, VNOTES includec)
- operations of myoma - by hysteroscopic investigations as well as by minimal invasif surgergy 
- operations in case of bleedings (curettages, thermoablations of the endometrial cell layer) 
- ablations of the uterus and the ovaries (by vaginal, coelioscopique, VNOTES and abdominal surgery) 
- curettages 
- operations of the cervix: conisations and cervical banding 
- laser-therapy of the cervix, the vagina and the vulva 
- vaginal corrections upon inquiry
Cabinets de Gynécologie  
Rue de Pré-Fleuri 19B
1950 Sion
T  + 41 27 480 44 60
F  + 41 27 566 71 66